Tuesday, May 28, 2013

METRO - Premium Admin Template

METRO - Premium Admin Template - Admin Templates Site Templates

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Metro Admin Template Preview
Metro Admin Colors


Packages & libraries used in the METRO Template, along with attributions to their authors and licenses.

Libraries & Plugins

  • Twitter Bootstrap – github.com/twitter/bootstrap

  • JQuery – jquery.com

  • less.js – github.com/cloudhead/less.js – (Apache License 2.0)

  • Cubiq iScroll 4 – cubiq.org/iscroll-4 – MIT Licensed

  • DataTables – www.datatables.net – Dual licensed GPLv2 & BSD

  • Farbtastic – acko.net/blog/farbtastic-jquery-color-picker-plug-in – (GPL Licensed)

  • FullCalendar – arshaw.com/fullcalendar – Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses

  • google-code-prettify – code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify – Apache License 2.0

  • jQuery Knob – github.com/aterrien/jQuery-Knob – Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL

  • 400+ Glyphicons PRO – glyphicons.com – PRO License

    You are allowed to use the Glyphicons as part of this item ONLY. Reselling of the icons is prohibited and the license is non transferable. If you would like to use GLYPHICONS as a part of your own (another) product, you have to buy your own license.

  • Google Web Fonts – www.google.com/webfonts

  • jQuery MiniColors – abeautifulsite.net – Dual-licensed under the MIT and GPL Version 2 licenses

  • jQuery UI – www.jqueryui.com

  • jQuery UI Touch Punch – touchpunch.furf.com – dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses

  • jQuery Validation – bassistance.de – Licensed under the MIT license

  • Pixelmatrix Uniform – github.com/pixelmatrix/uniform – MIT License

  • Plupload – www.plupload.com – GPLv2 licensed

  • jQuery.ba-resize – benalman.com – Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses

  • jQuery Cookie – github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie – Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses

  • jQuery Masonry – masonry.desandro.com – Licensed under the MIT license

  • Modernizr – modernizr.com – MIT & BSD

  • Flot Charts – http://www.flotcharts.org/

  • Jasny Bootstrap – https://jasny.github.com/bootstrap/

  • Boostrap WYSIHTML5 – http://jhollingworth.github.com/bootstrap-wysihtml5

  • Bootstrap Bootbox – bootboxjs.com

  • Zend Framework – framework.zend.com

Flickr Photos

With most respect to the authors, the following photos were used for METRO photo gallery as demo content. All images are licensed under Creative Commons – Attribution 2.0 Generic

  • I see you – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • hope – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • blonde look – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • Sympathy – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • Nei – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • come over here – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • scarlett – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • what is good does not last forever, long enough to be memorable. – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • happy couple – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • elphic sister – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • couple – by Angelo Gonzalez

  • waiting for you – by Angelo Gonzalez

Photo Dune

With most respect to the authors, the following item covers were used for the live preview, as demo content. NOT included in the download package.

  • Programming – Young programmer typing on a computer keyboard while holding a cup of coffee in his other hand and a pencil in his mouth – by ollyi

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