Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sapphire - Responsive Landing Page Template

Sapphire - Responsive Landing Page Template - Landing Pages Marketing

Key Features

  • W3C Valid HTML Code

  • Responsive Layout

  • HTML5 & CSS3 Clean Coded Structure

  • Compatible With All Major Browsers

  • 15 Different Color Options

  • Included CSS and PNG Files for Customization

  • Included Source Layered PNG Template File With 10 Different Page

  • Well Documentation

  • Responsive Filterable Gallery With Lightbox

  • Compatible With Bootstrap Framework

  • Touchable Contents

  • Flexslider ( Testimonials & Features Slider )

  • Font-Face Raleway

  • Ajax Subscribe Form with Mailchimp Integration

  • Captcha Control

  • Hover Directioned Images

  • Download Area With Animated Button

  • Ajax Contact Form

  • Fluid jQuery Map

  • Social Icons

  • Floated Menu

  • Mobile Compatible Menu

Sources and Credits

  • jQuery Plugin – |

  • Modernizr Plugin – Modernizr Team

  • jQuery UI Library -jQuery Foundation

  • jQuery Mousewheel – Brandon Aaron

  • jQuery Validate – Jörn Zaefferer

  • jQuery Easing Plugin – George McGinley Smith

  • Flexslider Plugin – Tyler Smith

  • Touch Swipe Plugin – Skinkers Lab

  • Isotope Plugin – David DeSandro

  • Pirobox Lightbox – Diego Valobra

  • jQuery Hover Direction – Codrops

  • ScrollTo Plugin – Ariel Flesler

  • To Top Plugin – Matt Varone

  • Mapbox Plugin –

  • jQuery Latest Tweets – Todd Matthews & Steve Purcell

  • Free Vector Web Icons – August Interactive

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